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Unity In Diversity



Australia Day 2022 Official Release

Australia Day 2023 Highlights - Unity in Diversity

Yidaki: Didjeridu and the Sound of Australia

The Yolngu: A Pre Contact History

A real history of Aboriginal Australians,

Aboriginal Culture

I still call Australia home

Saung Angklung Udjo

Macassan History and Heritage

10. Tangible heritage of the Macassan–Aboriginal encounter in contemporary South Sulawesi

Marshall Clark


There are several under-explored areas in the scholarship on the so-called ‘Macassans', the trepang fishers of diverse ethnicity originating from the Sulawesi port of Makassar who voyaged to the coastline of northern Australia to fish for trepang, also known as sea cucumber, from at least 1720 to the 1906/7 season. The most noticeable gap in the field is in respect to China, the final destination of the processed trepang in the Macassan era.1 The other relatively under-explored area is Makassar itself, the major disembarkation point for the Macassan trepang fishing fleets. This chapter will partly redress this scholarly lacuna by highlighting Makassar's Macassan heritage, with an emphasis on tangible heritage. The body of this chapter will discuss what could be understood as Macassan tangible cultural heritage: authentic monuments and historical sites with distinctive connections to the Bugis and Makassarese fishers and entrepreneurs of centuries past. But it will soon become evident that in the contemporary era there is very little in the way of tangible Macassan heritage, either in Makassar itself or in South Sulawesi in general.


Nelayan Makassar penemu Australia



Melawan Lupa - Jejak Kejayaan Makassar


Відображення мережевого вмісту

As the former President of Diaspora in NSW, the author has achieved in promoting Australia to Indonesia, for example the Smart Cattle Tracking System (SCTS), developed by Wirasoft in Australia in response to the call by the former President of Indonesia, Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for the Indonesian Meat Self sufficiency. SCTS is currently under discussion to be further developed in Kampung IT under the supervisor of Prof Muladno, former Indonesian Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health at the Ministry of Agriculture and Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics at Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) to manage the strategic policy in the construction of 54 People Ranch Schools.


University of Pajajaran (UNPAD) Staff and Researcher

Center for Decentralization and Participatory Development Research (CPDP) / (Pusat Studi Desentralisasi dan Pembangunan Partisipatif) is a research center under the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. CDPD are working in the area of governance, participatory development, and capacity building issues. 

[International Mixed Methods Symposium 2017 GALLERY]

BANDUNG-, Melbourne International Coffee Expo '(MICE) back in title on March 28th to April 1st 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. The biggest event in Australia is the promotion of coffee industry as well as an effective forum for business people and educational events. 




To expand connections and growth opportunities and promote shared prosperity for Indonesia and its diaspora




1. KNOWLEDGE (Without Knowledge, Indonesia will not grow)

2. HEALTH & WELLBEING (Smart people who are sick can not contribute their knowledge well)

3. CONFIDENCE (If not confident, healthy smart people are useless)

4. UNITY (When smart, healthy and confidence have been achieved, but without unity, then what has been achieved will be wasted)


5. GLOBAL REACH (When the fourth item above has been achieved, then we can reach out to the world)

Multiple-helix Ketahanan Sosial dan Ketahanan Komunitas dalam Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkotika

September 25, 2022

EDUKADI.COM – Investasi terbesar P4GN adalah pada unsur pencegahan potensi penyalahguna(an). Diperlukan berbagai strategi dan langkah implementasi dirumuskan strategi implementasi penerapan nilai-nilai demokrasi, ketaatan hukum dan kesamaan derajat melalui Langkah-langkah berikut:

  1. Peningkatatan kapasitas literasi P4GN melalui kelembagaan kelembagaan tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat

  2. Menciptakan Agent of change dari ketahanan organisasi masyarakat, berbasiskan unsur kesetraan jender dan lintas pendekatan agama. Mendorong muculnya penggiat praxis dan bukan ahli wacana baru

  3. Penataran berjenjang pemda & kelembagaan komunitas agama diperuntukkan bagi umum – wisesa:

    1. Dasar: Remaja, Dewasa, Setara Lulusan SMP Sederajat
    2. Menengah: Remaja, Dewasa, Setara Lulusan SMA Sederajat
    3. Lanjutan: Remaja, Dewasa, Setara Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi.


Analis Kebijakan BNN, Riswanda: Perangi Narkoba dengan Pendekatan Solutif

Rabu, 21 September 2022 - 21:07 |  16.29k

TIMESINDONESIA, BANDUNG – Triliunan rupiah sudah digelontorkan negara demi pemberantasan narkoba di Indonesia. Namun, pengguna narkotika terus meningkat bahkan di seluruh mencapai kenaikan yang melonjak. Berdasarkan catatan BNN (Badan Narkotika Nasional) tahun 2022, mengutip dari United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), terungkap bahwa jumlah penyalahguna narkotika di dunia dengan usia 15-69 tahun sebanyak 275 juta, sedangkan angka kematian per hari di dunia mencapai 585 jiwa.


Membangun Kembali Kejayaan Industri Gula Indonesia

Upaya pengembangan industri gula sejauh ini belum memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan harapan. Pembangunan industri gula nasional dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya aspek teknis, ekonomi, sosial, bahkan regulasi/hukum, dan perkembangan gula dunia, serta sinergitas stakeholders terkait. Resultan dari faktor-faktor tersebut diharapkan dapat mengembalikan kejayaan gula nasional seperti tahun 1930-an.


Indonesia Pintar

Diaspora Australia Beraksi Bukan Sekedar Berjanji 2013-2017

PI Program 2018-2025

PROGRAM 2018 - 2025




The Story of Australia

Batik: a World Heritage from Indonesia

Writing For Healing

Dalam situasi lockdown , pandemi yang sudah berjalan nyaris 3  tahun, diisi   lah dengan menggali hobby menulis. Maka tercetuslah "Writing For Healing" nama tepat untuk kegiatan ini. Saya pribadi sangat beruntung dapat bergabung dengan para wanita cerdas ini dengan berbagai latar belakang,  baik secara akademik atau pekerjaan. Walau sebagian mesti bekerja, tetap melaksanakan kewajiban sebagai  Ibu bagi anak-anak dan keluarganya. Disela sela jabatan rangkap yang diemban, masih menyisihkan waktu untuk menulis dan kegiatan-kegiatan bermanfaat lainnya.
Setelah berhasil dengan terbitnya buku pertama maka bersyukur edisi - 2 dengan tema " Gastronomi Cinta"  segera beredar di Australia.  Alur cerita di edisi-2 lebih romantis. Ingin tahu ... mari ikuti dengan membeli sekaligus memberi dukungan sehingga kegiatan ibu ibu dapat berlanjut.
-- Yoen Yahya

Gastronomi Cinta

Waltzing Matilda - Indonesian style

I will follow Him


Jon Soemarjono is an inspiration and mentor to the Indonesian community. Since 1963, he has forged closer bonds with Australians, smoothing over tensions following the Bali bombings and energising multicultural celebrations with his strategic leadership, flair and drive.


Diaspora Indonesia Interview - Jon Soemarjono

Jon Soemarjono Speaking at the AAAB 4th Annual Dinner

The World Record of The Largest Angklung Ensemble - Washington DC

Serumpun Bambu, sejuta makna. Serumpun Bambu, sejuta manfaat. Serumpun Bambu, sejuta karya. Serumpun Bambu, sejuta pesona

Dengan serumpun bambu mari kita guncang dunia. --Jatnika Nanggamiharja

Kediri Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar opened the Launch of Kampung IT Kota Kediri and the Java Programming Workshop at Kediri Polytechnic Campus I, Monday (13/11/2017).
This program is the first of its kind in Indonesia. "I am very happy and very supportive of this program," said Abdullah Abu Bakar. His hope is that this program will continue to run and grow, with the aim of increasing the competence of programmers in Indonesia, starting in Kediri.

 Kediri Received the 2017 Smart City Award from Vice President Jusuf Kalla Mayor of Kediri, Abdullah Abu Bakar won the Indonesia City Smart Rating Ceremony (RKCI) 2017. This award was given to 15 cities directly handed over by Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the Vice President's palace on Monday (11/12/2017).


Indonesian coffee is all about a JOURNEY of exploring and discovering the diverse TASTES of coffee that the INDONESIAN archipelago has to offer

As one of the largest producers of coffee in the world, Indonesia is blessed with a wide variety of unique and tasty coffee from all across the archipelago. From the province of Aceh on the western most-end to Papua Province on the eastern most point, each region has its own authentic coffee that has its own distinct taste and characteristics. Coffee lovers don't need to travel far across the country to enjoy these. Just visit the Thousand islands at Kelapa Dua island (refer to map) and you can taste and explore the region of the coffee that you drink.